Output 1: Enhancing climate smart agriculture and forestry practices
20 hectares of irrigated land using solar powered irrigation systems
10 hectares with progressive terraces and agroforestry
2 hectares for conservation agriculture demonstration
demonstration of homestead kitchen gardens design and development (80 gardens);
distribution of small livestock animals (80 pigs and 80 sheep)
Output 2: Construction of postharvest facilities
3 maize drying facilities
1 Irish potato storing facility
Output 3: Increasing farmer access to productive inputs
2 sites for compost preparation
Output 4: Strengthening farmers capacity and awareness
40 farmers from around the Kamiranzovu area will be trained as trainers on sustainable irrigation, composting, agroforestry, conservation agriculture and kitchen garden agriculture
25 awareness events conducted
Use of visibility and promotional means and materials (sign posts, banners, t-shirts, hats, radio talks, etc.)